• Recherche

Séminaire général DCS 2023-2024 - Martin Loughlin & Scott Cummins

  • Le 21 mars 2024
    Campus Tertre

    Campus Tertre 
    Faculté de Droit et Sciences politiques de NantesUniversité

    Amphi B + Zoom

    false false
  • 14h-16h30

Le séminaire général DCS 2023-2024

Jeudi 21 mars 2024

14h - Against Constitutionalism
Martin Loughlin, Professor of Public Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science

Discussion :
Muriel Rouyer, Professeure de Science Politique
Nicolas Huten, Maître de conférences en Droit public

A critical analysis of the transformation of constitutionalism from an increasingly irrelevant theory of limited government into the most influential philosophy of governance in the world today.


Jeudi 21 mars 2024

15h15 - Lawyers in Backsliding Democracy
Scott Cummins, Professor of Legal Ethics at the UCLA School of Law, California and
Fulbright-Schuman Distinguished Chair at the European University Institute, Italy

Discussion :
Muriel Rouyer, Professeure de Science Politique
Gaëtan Cliquennois, Directeur de recherche cnrs

What is the role of lawyers in democratic decline: the degradation of democratic institutions and practices by autocratic leaders using law rather than violence. The central aim is to set an agenda and outline an approach to studying the professional paradox at the center of backsliding: why and how lawyers attack the rule of law.

Mis à jour le 04 mars 2024.