Academic staff
Research Professor at CNRS, UMR 6297, Droit et changement social Associate Professor at: University of Nantes (School of Law), University of Tours, ENITIAA (Paris)Coordonnées
Faculté de Droit et de Sciences politiques Laboratoire Droit et Changement Social chemin de la Censive du Tertre, BP 81307 44313 Nantes cedex 3 FRANCE
- Bureau
- Faculté de Droit, bureau n°215-2
- Luc.Bodiguel@univ-nantes.fr
Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
Level of Lessons: Master 1 and 2 (fourth or fifth year of University)
Thèmes de recherche
Agricultural Law and Policy:
Food Chain: COM, Farm Contracts, Farmers and Interbranch Organisations;
Support Schemes (CAP);
Farms: Agricultural Activity, Farm Trusts, Tenancy Act.
Land Space: rural planning and development
Agriculture and Environment (Law and Policies)
Sustainable Development of rural spaces and Agricultural Activities;
Green Agricultural Support Schemes;
Carbon Farming
Natura 2000, Water, Pesticides;
Climate Change.
Food (Law and Policies)
Food Governance;
Local Food System;
Genetically Modified Organism;
Risk and Food Technology Assessment (GMOs, Mutagenesis, Novel Food…).
Activités / CV
See also: Publication and Congress on HAL (some one line papers)
Informations complémentaires
Dr Luc Bodiguel is Directeur de Recherche (Director of research) with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). He is entitled to supervise ressearches (doctoral thesis) and teaches agricultural law, farm contracts, sustainable development and environment Law at the University of Nantes. He edited with M. Cardwell a book on The regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms (Oxford University Press, 2010). His published work includes L'Entreprise Rurale: Entre Activités Économiques et Territoire Rural (Harmattan, 2002) and a wide range of articles on the CAP, agricultural law, and environmental law. He has participated in several national research projects (addressing, inter alia, Local Food System, Sustainable Agriculture and Food, Interbranch agreements in Agriculture, Governance of Water Resources, Multifunctionality, Natura 2000, Pesticides, Climate Change and Wildlife Corridors). At present, he is Member of the Scientific Comiteer of the University of Nantes Diploma on the Environment and Sustainable Development of Land; he serves on the executive committee of the European Council for Agricultural Law, of the World Union of the Academic Agrarians and of the french Association of Agricultural Law. He is part of the Chair on Legal Research Chair in Food Diversity and Security (G. Parent, University Laval, Quebec).